• DC EC 02: longitudonal reinforcement in beam under pure bending (ULS design)

    Description (same model as DC EC 01) Indepent reference results Diamonds results and comparison According to EN 1992-1-1 [- -] Longitudonal reinforcement calculated by Diamonds (EN 1992-1-1 [- -]) According to EN 1992-1-1 [BE] Longitudonal reinforcement calculated by Diamonds (EN 1992-1-1 [BE]) References EN 1992-1-1: 2005 + AC: 2010 Van…

  • DC EC 01: shear reinforcement in beam

    Description Indepent reference results Diamonds results and comparison Shear reinforcement calculated by Diamonds The thin line, corresponds to the required shear reinforcement (86mm²/m), the thick line corresponds to the minimum shear reinforcement (160mm²/m) References EN 1992-1-1: 2005 + AC: 2010 Van Hooymissen, L., Spegelaere, M., Van Gysel, A., & De…

  • LS EC 01: snow loads on duo pitched roof

    Description Diamonds results and comparison Snow loads generated by Diamonds References Oppe, M. (2005). Example: Determination of loads on a building enveloppe. Calculation Sheet Access Steel, SX016a-EN-EU.

  • LW EC 01: wind loads on duo pitched roof

    Description Diamonds results and comparison Wind loads generated by Diamonds 1. The peak pressure cannot be requested as a result in Diamonds. But it is possible to request it as an intermediar results using this method. 2. The independent reference states that the load in zone D should be 4.59kN/m…

  • SLL 03: beam on three supports

    Description Results Deformation  in Diamonds References Mécaniciens, S. F. D. (1990). Guide de validation des progiciels de calcul des structures: SSLL 03: poutre élancée sur 3 appuis.

  • TLL 01: Beam under temperature load

    Description Indepent reference results Diamonds results and comparison Load 1: global temperature change Load 2: lineair gradient in local y’ direction  Load 3: lineair gradient in local z’ direction References Hibbeler, R. (2006). Sterkteleer, 2/e. Pearson Education. Weaver, W., & Gere, J. M. (1990). Matrix analysis of framed structures Table…

  • How to request the internal forces in one point

    For example: you want to retrieve the internal forces in point 2 of this frame. Show the internal forces. Select the bars in node 4 and click on . Click on the button . Select the option Common point.  The data table now shows the internal forces only at the end nodes…

  • How to delete the practical reinforcement

    This article concerns practical reinforcement defined using the module , not the practical reinforcement defined with the right mouse button. Delete one reinforcement zone Select the relevant plate(s) and open the pratical reinforcement module . Select the relevant zone and hit DEL. If you have trouble selecting, activate the selection…

  • How to show anchorage length in the practical reinforcement?

    [This feature is available in Diamonds 2024 or newer] To show the anchorage length on the screen: Select the relevant plates and open the practical reinforcement module . Open the configuration settings and go to the tab-page ‘Reinforcement’. Check the option ‘Show anchorage length’ and set the desired length (X…