Points that are too close to each other. They cause irregularies in the mesh. For example:
- Meshlines that run across the model
- Missing green lines (= indication of a free border) were you would expect them.
- Go to the menu Options > Preferences > tab page ‘Model’
- Set the geometric tolerance to 3cm.
- Close this window
- Generate the mesh.
- Start the elastic analysis
. The following warning will appear:
Impossible to calculate structure: few points are too close
Something went wrong while verifying the structure
[NL]: Niet mogelijk om structuur te berekenen. Enkele punten liggen te dicht bij elkaar. Er is iets fout gegaan bij het verifiëren van de structuur.
[FR]: Impossible de calculer la structure: quelques points sont trop prêts les uns des autres. Quelque chose ne s’est pas bien passé en vérifiant la structure.
[ES]: Imposible calcular la estructura: Algunos puntos están demasiado cerca.
- Diamonds will select automatically the points that are too close to one another.
Note that the location of these points is not necessary the place where the reactions are zero. - If these elements are not immediately visible, use the button
to only see these points. Use F10 to center these elements on the screen.
- Join the points together.
- Join them manually by adjusting the point coodinates in the data table
. Request sufficient decimals (menu Options > Units & Decimals)!
- Use the projection function (recommended)
- Use the structure verification
- Join them manually by adjusting the point coodinates in the data table