SLX 07: out of the plane bending of an arc


How do I determine the position of point C?
  • Starting from the center of the circle, draw a random horizontal line. Make sure the length is smaller than radius of the circle.
  • Double click the line. Change the length to something bigger than en radius of the circle and set the angle to 15°.
  • Select everything and make the lines intersect. The intersection point is point C.
  • Select the two lines and hit CTRL + SHIFT + DEL (use the shortkey instead of DEL, because DEL will erase the intersection point).
  • Select the two remaining points and hit DEL.
Material Modulus of elasticity E = 200 000 N/mm^2
Poisson’s ratio \nu= 0.3
Geometry Cross-section Tube d_i = 16mm
d_e = 20mm
Boundary conditions In point A Fixed support
Loads In point B F_z = 0.01kN

Note: the arc is approximated with 16 line segments


Horizontal deformation \delta_z in Diamonds

Point Which result Independent reference Diamonds Difference
B Horizontal deformation \delta_z 134,62mm 132,03mm -1,92%
(\theta = 15 ^{\circ})
Torsional moment T_x 74,118 Nm 75,582Nm 1,98%
(\theta = 15 ^{\circ})
Bending moment M_z -96,593 Nm -95,369Nm -1.27%


  • Mécaniciens, S. F. D. (1990). Guide de validation des progiciels de calcul des structures: SSLL 07: arc mince encastré en flexion hors du plan.
  • Tested in Diamonds 2024r01.

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