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  6. DLL 01: Slender short beam – simply supported – eigenfrequencies

DLL 01: Slender short beam – simply supported – eigenfrequencies


Material Modulus of elasticity E=200 000 N/mm^2
Density \rho=7800 kg/m^3
Poisson’s ratio \nu= 0.3
Geometry Cross-section Dimensions b = 100mm
h = 200 mm
Factor for shear \lambda = 1.5
Boundary conditions In point A Fixed support
In point B Roller support
Along line AB R_z, M_x and M_y fixed
to impose 2D behaviour
Mesh No. of divisions 40


Eigen mode Shape Independent reference Diamonds Difference
1 – flexion 431,56Hz 433,51Hz 0,45%
2 – traction 1265,92Hz 1266,01Hz 0,01%
3 – flexion 1498,30Hz 1505,76Hz 0,5%
4 – flexion 2870,66Hz 2854,20Hz -0,57%
5 – traction 3797,77Hz 3799,97Hz 0,06%
6 – flexion 4377,84Hz 4280,76Hz -2,22%


  • Mécaniciens, S. F. D. (1990). Guide de validation des progiciels de calcul des structures: SDLL 01: poutre courte sur appuis simples.
  • Tested in Diamonds 2024r01.

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