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  3. Calculation core & results
  4. How to get a detailed view of stresses

How to get a detailed view of stresses

A detailed representation of the stresses/temperature in a cross section as a function of time can be obtained:

  • either by double clicking the bar while looking at the stresses
  • either by selecting the bar and clicking on the icon (while looking at the stresses)

This image show the stresses due to My + Mz + N.


  • These stresses are always elastic stresses (calculated using Wel). Regardsless the cross-section class or material.
  • It is not possible to show the stresses due to shear force and/or torsion in Diamonds.
  • It is not possible to show Von Mises stresses in Diamonds.
  • It is not possible to show the concrete stresses or stresses in the reinforcement in a reinforced concrete section. Regardless of which calculations your have (no) performed. The stresses in this dialog always remain the elastic stresses.
    Although you cannot consult the stresses in the concrete/reinforcement, Diamonds will verify them in SLS, and if necessary, increase the reinforcement if they exceed the limits imposed by the relevant standard.

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