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DS EC 01: buckling resistance of a pinned column with intermediate restraints


Geometry Cross-section: HEA 260
Material: S235
Load Design axial force: N_{Ed.ULS}=1000kN
Standard EN 1993-1-1 [- -]
Parameters for design Buckling length around y’-axis: 10,5m
Buckling length around z’-axis: 3,5m

Diamonds results and comparison

Intermediate results in Diamonds for buckling around the y’-axis

Results Independent reference Diamonds Difference
\bar{\lambda_{y}} 1,019 1,019 0,00%
\varPhi_{y} 1,158 1,158 0,00%
\chi_{y} 0,585 0,585 0,00%
\bar{\lambda_{z}} 0,573 0,574 0,18%
\varphi_{z} 0,756 0,756 0,00%
\chi_{z} 0,801 0,801 0,00%
N_{b.Rd} 1193 kN 1193 kN 0,00%
Unity check \frac{N_{Ed}}{N_{b.Rd}} 84% 84% 0,00%


  • EN1993-1-1: 2005+AC:2009 (EC)
  • Oppe, M. (2005). Example: Buckling resistance of a pinned column with intermediate restraints. Calculation Sheet Access Steel, SX002a-EN-EU
  • Tested in Diamonds 2024r01.

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