• Unable to uninstall Gateway

    During the installation of Diamonds/ PowerConnect/ BIM Expert, the old version of Gateway is overwritten by the new one. Unfortunately this process doesn’t always go perfectly and sometimes multiple versions of Gateway end up on your computer. Causing communication issues with Diamonds/ PowerConnect/ BIM Expert. In Control Panel > Programs…

  • How many soil layer profiles can be taken into account?

    Diamonds can take as many soil layer profiles into account as you have. But the bigger question is “Is it meaningful to take multiple soil layer profiles into account?” Traditionally, a soil investigation company performs 3 cone penetrations tests (CPT) on a property. Because it creates a safety net: if…

  • Intro – validation of Diamonds

    Content Analysis Static SLL 01: Fixed beam with various loads SLL 02: Shear deformation in simply supported beam SLL 03: Beam on three supports SLL 04: Stepped cantilever loaded with torsion SLL 05: Bending of rigidly connected beams SLL 06: Beam on elastic foundation SLL 07: Beam on elastic foundation,…

  • DC EC 06: 2nd order effect in a column

    Description Indepent reference results Diamonds results and comparison Longitudonal reinforcement calculated by Diamonds (EN 1992-1-1 [- -]) The reinforcement due to ULS is shown using a thin line, the reinforcement due to ULS + SLS + buckling with a thick line. Because  the SLS verification were turned off, the thick…

  • SLL 08: axial force in eccentric beam

    Description Indepent reference results Diamonds results and comparison Axial force in Diamonds References Minne, P. (2024, 26 maart). Structurele analyse van betonen platen en wanden [Presentatieslides 127-134; Pdf].

  • DC EC 05: longitudonal reinforcement in column under compression and bending

    Description Indepent reference results Diamonds results and comparison Longitudonal reinforcement calculated by Diamonds (EN 1992-1-1 [- -]) References EN 1992-1-1: 2005 + AC: 2010 Van Hooymissen, L., Spegelaere, M., Van Gysel, A., & De Vylder, W. (2002). Gewapend beton. Academia Press Keep in mind that the calculations in this book are…

  • DC EC 04: cracked deformation in beam under pure bending (SLS design)

    Description Indepent reference results Diamonds results and comparison Cracked deformation calculated by Diamonds (EN 1992-1-1 [- -]) References EN 1992-1-1: 2005 + AC: 2010 Van Hooymissen, L., Spegelaere, M., Van Gysel, A., & De Vylder, W. (2002). Gewapend beton. Academia Press Keep in mind that the calculations in this book…

  • DC EC 03: longitudonal reinforcement in column under pure compression

    Description Indepent reference results Diamonds results and comparison According to EN 1992-1-1 [–] Longitudonal reinforcement calculated by Diamonds (EN 1992-1-1 [- -]) According to EN 1992-1-1 [BE] Longitudonal reinforcement calculated by Diamonds (EN 1992-1-1 [BE]) References EN 1992-1-1: 2005 + AC: 2010 Van Hooymissen, L., Spegelaere, M., Van Gysel, A.,…