In File > Settings > Tekla Structures you edit the mapping for sections, material, bots, nuts and washers.
For each of these mapping databases you can manage the items, create new mapping items, restore or merge the factory mapping.
When you click the ‘Restore factory mapping’, you go back default installation mapping.
The ‘Merge factory mapping’ function is useful when you have “broken” your mapping file or when new extended mapping files are released and the user wants to include the new added items.
Example merging
First version of installation mapping:
- Profile 1
- Profile 2
- Profile 3
- Profile 4
New version of installation mapping:
- Profile 1
- Profile 2
- Profile 3
- Profile 4
- Profile 5
- Profile 6
User mapping:
- Profile A
- Profile 2
- Profile B
- Profile 4
- Profile C
By merging, the mapping now is:
- Profile 1
- Profile A
- Profile 2
- Profile 3
- Profile B
- Profile 4
- Profile C
- Profile 5
- Profile 6