When printing an RTF report, you get the error:
[NL]: Uw vraag heeft de volgende fout veroorzaakt: De index valt buiten het bereik. Deze mag niet negatief zijn en moet kleiner zijn dan de grootte van de verzameling. Parameternaam: index.
[FR]: Votre demande a provoqué l’errur suivante: L’index était hors limites. Il ne doit pas être négatif et doit être inférieur à la taille de la collection. Nom du paramètre index.
[ES]: Su solicitud ha provocado el siguiente error: El índice establa fuera del intervalo. Debe ser un valor no negative e inferior al temaño de la coleccíon. Nombre del parámetro: index
There’s probably one piece of information you requested that’s causing the error. The quest is finding that one piece and eliminating it from the report.
- Remove all reports.
- Make a new report containing few information, for example an image of the Geometry. Make an RTF.
- If that works, add some more information, for example a table of the Geometry. Make an RTF.
If that doens’t work, remove the last requested information (here the table of the Geometry) and try with other information, like an image of the Loads or a list with combinations.Don’t be to eager when adding information because it will make it harder to retrieve the trigger.
If you have found the trigger, send the model (*.bsf-file) to the support-desk (support@buildsoft.eu) so we can solve it in the future.
If you cannot retrieve what is causing the error, send the model (*.bsf-file) to the support-desk (support@buildsoft.eu) for further analysis.