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  4. Wind
  5. How to consult the used cpe, cpi and wind pressure?

How to consult the used cpe, cpi and wind pressure?

  • Go to My Documents > Diamonds > *CurrentDiamondsVersion*.
    Depending on your operating system, the name ‘My Documents‘ can be ‘Documents‘.
  • Add a txt-file in this folder. Name it ‘WindNorm’. Pay attention to the spelling and capital letters!
  • Generate a wind load case in Diamonds.
  • Now open the txt-file ‘WindNorm’. The used cpe, cpi and pressure will be mentioned in the txt-file.


  • If you want to maintain overview, generate only one wind load case at once. The lay-out of the txt-file is not made for large outputs.
  • It is not possible to print/ show this information in Diamonds.

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