How to add a new material

  • Go to the menu Edit > Material library.
  • Click on  to add a new material.
  • Choose between ‘steel’, ‘concrete’, ‘timber’ or ‘other’.
    If you choose ‘steel’, ‘concrete’ or ‘timber’, Diamonds will apply the relevant design codes on these section. Assuming the new material is masonry, the corresponding type will be ‘other’.
  • Enter the material properties.
    • The mechanical properties are used for the elastic analyses and have to be entered.
    • The thermal properties are used for fire calculations. They are not mandatory.
    • The tab page ‘Advanced’ is empty because no design codes are implemented for random materials.
  • If you want the material to be available for other projects as well, select the button.
  • Click on  to save the changes.

  • The implemented materials in Diamonds, are those for which we support the design calculations. For example:
    • Diamonds can design concrete, steel, timber, so these materials are implemented.
    • Diamonds cannot design masonry/ RVS/ aluminium/ … , so these materials are not implemented.
  • There so no such thing as one masonry quality.
    The modulus of elasticity E is directly related to the compressive strength. The compressive strength depends on both brick and mortar properties.
    Now there’s a whole range of different types of bricks: ordinary clay, lime sand, calcium silicate, concrete. Depending on the percentage of cavities and the material, you obtain a different compressive strength. The mortar properties depend on the type of mortar (general or light weight), the thickness (thin layers or normal) and the mortar quality (varies from M5 to M30).
    Because there are so many possibilities to combine all these parameters, this gives a lot of different results for the compressive strength, sometimes by a factor of 20. Therefor, it is impossible to provide THE set of mechanical properties or even an average set of mechanical properties.

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