= the number of ‘dead’ loadgroups (for example: self weight, dead loads)
= the number of ‘life’ loadgroups (for example: life load A, wind, snow, temperature)
The total number of load combinations in ULS FC according to EN 1990 [–] equ. 6.10 will be:
= 3,
= 5, total number of load combinations ULS FC according to EN 1990 [–] is:
- This formula assumes all load groups have a
factor different from 0.
- This formula does not included the effect of:
- Linked load groups
Linking 2 dead loads, will divide the number of load combinations by 2. Linking 3 dead loads, will divide the number of load combinations by 2*2, and so on. - Incompatible load groups
- Sub load cases
- Crane loads
Each position of the crane load will be translated into a sub load case behind the scene.
- Linked load groups
- For the EN 1990 [NL] the total number must be multiplied by 2. This national annex uses equations 6.10a and 6.10b, instead of equation 6.10.