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Full disk – software takes too much memory space

The automatic backup system of Gateway writes GBs of backup files on the user’s hard drive (a lot of *.bak files), leading to a full disk.

Solution 1

  1. Close Diamonds
  2. Task Manager > tab page ‘Services’
  3. Stop ‘Gateway’ and ‘Gateway Server’ services
  4. C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\BuildSoft
  5. Delete all files with ‘BuildSoft’ in front.
  6. C:\Program Files (x86)\BuildSoft\Gateway\Gateway Server
  7. Copy ‘BuildSoft.Gateway.Server.exe.config’ to Desktop
  8. Open this file with Notepad
  9. Find the setting ‘IntervalDays’ and set the value to 400
    <setting name="IntervalDays" serializeAs="Xml">
  10. Save the modifications.
  11. Copy the file .config back to C:\Program Files (x86)\BuildSoft\Gateway\Gateway Server. Replace the existing file.
  12. The contents of the folder C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\BuildSoft\Gateway Server\0.0\Database\ can be emptied out.
  13. Start services ‘Gateway’ and ‘Gateway Server’ again via Task Manager
  14. Start Diamonds.
  15. Check after 5 minutes and 24h is the problem is solved.

Solution 2

  1. Install Diamonds 2017r03 or newer.
  2. The contents of the folder C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\BuildSoft\Gateway Server\0.0\Database\ can be emptied out.

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