Good to know
Installing Diamonds requires the installation of 2 components + Diamonds itself
- CodeMeter Runtime
- Gateway Server
- Diamonds
It is best to download all the install files and put them in 1 folder.
If you want to automate these tasks, you can make a script of the complete installation procedure.
1. CodeMeter
CodeMeter can be easily silent installed
CodeMeterRuntime /ComponentArgs "*":"/qn"
2. Gateway
The Gateway installer is not a regular MSI Installer, but Installscript installer. A silent install from this type, requires a response file (*.iss file).
A response file can be created with the command /r
GatewayGatewayServer_2_00_x64.exe /r /f1"C:\{path_where_you_want_the_response_file}\{response_file_name}.iss"
Now, you can use this file to run the silent install
GatewayGatewayServer_2_00_x64.exe /s /f1"C:\{path_to_your_response_file}\{response_file_name}.iss" /v"/qn”
3. Diamonds
Like Gateway, Diamonds also requires a response file. Once created, you can run the silent install
Diamonds2020Setup64.exe /s /f1"
C:\{path_to_your_response_file}\{response_file_name}.iss"/v" /qn"
Example script
echo Installing Diamonds2020 - Please Wait.
echo Window will close after install is complete
echo. Install Component 1/2 : CodeMeterRuntime
CodeMeterRuntime /ComponentArgs "*":"/qn"
echo. Install Component 2/2 : Gateway Server 1.12
copy /Y "%~dp0setup.iss" "c:\Gateway\setup.iss" >nul
GatewayGatewayServer_1_12_x64.exe /s /f1"c:\Gateway\setup.iss" /v" /qn"
echo. Install Diamonds
copy /Y "%~dp0setup2.iss" "c:\Gateway\setup2.iss" >nul
Diamonds2020Setup64.exe /s /f1"c:\Gateway\setup2.iss" /v" /qn"