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  5. About the consequence class

About the consequence class

It is not practically impossible to determine what the desired structural reliability for each different structure should be. Therefore EN 1990 Annex B divides structures into three consequence classes (CC for short):

Consequence Class Consequences Examples
CC3 Chance of losing lives: high
Economic/social impact: large
Grandstands, public buildings, concert hall
CC2 Chance of losing lives: average
Economic/social impact: considerable
Residential and office buildings
CC1 Chance of losing lives: low
Economic/social impact: small or negligible
Argicultural buidlings where people do not normally enter: storage buildings, greenhouses


The concequence class determines which partial safety coefficients for ULS-combinations should be used:

CC1 = CC2 * 0.9 CC2 CC3 = CC2 * 1,1
Fixed loads

  • Unfavourable
  • Favourable






Variable loads

  • Unfavourable
  • Favourable








  • The National Annex may provide more detailed tables (which slightly different values) than the ones listed in this article.
  • In general, structures in RCi are associated with a consequence class CCi, with a design and calculation supervision DSLi and with an inspection level ILi.
    But the Belgian annex NBN EN 1990 ANB:2021 Annex B makes an exception for CC3:
    “Exceptionally, for a construction in RC3, the levels DSL 3 and IL3 may be omitted, provided that a KFI factor of 1.1 is not taken, but a KFI factor of 1.2 for the variable loads and a KFi factor 1.1 for permanent loads. Even this last method is not the most preferable method.”
    This exception rule is implemented since Diamonds 2023r01 under CC3*.
  • The consequence class can be entered in the Load Group dialog . Diamonds will automatically adjust the partial safety coefficients.

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