Remove Diamonds from registry Use this solution if you cannot remove the software in the regular way (using Control Panel of Windows). Close all...
Error: The SQL Server Express 2014 installation ended with exit code – *set of numbers* During the installation of Diamonds, you get the error: The SQL Server Express 2014 installation ended with exit code –...
Why is Diamonds 64-bit installed in the folder Program Files (x86)? Diamonds – the environment in which you draw the structure – , is a 32 bit program (regardsless if you...
1152: Error extracting Diamonds 2017.msi to the temporary location When double clicking the setup of Diamonds, you get the error: 1152: Error extracting Diamonds 2017.msi to the temporary location...
Error reading setup initialization file On launching the installation .exe file, the message appears: Solution 1 The download file is not complete/ corrupted. This occurs...