SSL 12: Stress concentration in perforated plate


Material Doesn’t matter
Geometry Cross-section Thickness e=200 mm
Loads Case 1: q=3 kN/m pulling on all 4 sides
Case 2: q=3 kN/m pulling on two opposite sides
Case 3: q=3 kN/m pulling on two opposite sides and pushing on two opposite sides
Mesh Maximum element size: 0.10m
Minimum element size: 0.00m

Indepent reference results

Open handcalculations


    \[\sigma_{max.case1}=2\cdot n=2\cdot 15kN/m^2=0.03 N/mm^2\]

    \[\sigma_{max.case2}=3\cdot n=3\cdot 15kN/m^2=0.045 N/mm^2\]

    \[\sigma_{max.case3}=4\cdot n=4\cdot 15kN/m^2=0.06 N/mm^2\]

Diamonds results and comparison

Maxmimum stress at opening for case 3 in Diamonds

Which result Independent reference Diamonds Difference
Case 1: maximum stress at opening 0.0300 N/mm² 0.0294 N/mm² -2.0%
Case 2: maximum stress at opening 0.0450 N/mm² 0.0454 N/mm² 0.89%
Case 3: maximum stress at opening 0.0600 N/mm² 0.0615 N/mm² 2.5%


  • Mécaniciens, S. F. D. (1990). Guide de validation des progiciels de calcul des structures: SSLP 02: traction simple d’une plasue perforée
    This afnor example served as inspiration for this verficiation example, but the used dimensions where too small to model in Diamonds.
  • Roark, R. J., & Young, W. C. (2002). Roark’s Formulas for Stress and Strain (7th edition, Table 17.1 case 6a). McGraw-Hill Companies.
  • Tested in Diamonds 2024r01.

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