Length a =1m. Different ratio’s b/a are tested by changing the length of b in each model.
Material | Modulus of elasticity | ||
Poisson’s ratio | |||
Geometry | Cross-section | Thickness | |
Boundary conditions | Along all edges | Simply supported | |
Loads | On the entire surface | ||
Mesh | Maximum element size | ||
Minimum element size |
Independent reference results
Diamonds results and comparison
Deformation in Diamonds
Case | Which result | Independent reference | Diamonds | Difference |
b=1m | Deformation | 4.43mm | 0,163mm | -0.77% |
Bending moment | 0.479N/m/m | 0.4818N/m/m | 0.58% | |
Bending moment | 0.479N/m/m | 0.4818N/m/m | 0.58% | |
b=2m | Deformation | 11.06mm | 10.993mm | -0.61% |
Bending moment | 0.464N/m/m | 0.4697N/m/m | 1.23% | |
Bending moment | 1.017/m/m | 1.0214N/m/m | 0.43% | |
b=5m | Deformation | 14.1632mm | 14.081mm | -0.58% |
Bending moment | 0.375N/m/m | 0.3794N/m/m | 1.17% | |
Bending moment | 1.246N/m/m | 1.2451N/m/m | -0.07% |
- Mécaniciens, S. F. D. (1990). Guide de validation des progiciels de calcul des structures: SSLS 24: plaque rectangulaire sur appuis simples avec chargement uniforme.
Note: the modulus of elasticity and load imposed in the Afnor-example, felt outside the boundaries of Diamonds. As a work around, both parameters were multiplied by 10 and the results were recalculated accordingly. - Timoshenko, S., & Woinowsky-Krieger, S. (1959). Theory of plates and shells. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
- Tested in Diamonds 2024r01.