During the elastic analysis you get the error:
WARNING: Calculation of global buckling factor didn’t converge at “Wind”
[NL]: WARNING: Berekening van globale kniklast factor convergeert niet voor “Wind”
[FR]: WARNING: Calcul du facteur de chargement de flambage ne converge pas pour “Wind”
[ES]: WARNING: No se ha podido calcular el factor de pandeo global en “Wind”
There are two main causes for the global buckling factor not converging:
- for multiple load cases – there might be a error in the model. Look at the geometry and supports if everything is well defined and there are sufficient supports.
- a single loadcase (not a combination) – it might be that this loadcase is not causing normal force in the structure. The calculation of the global buckling factor is based on the converging of normal force. If there is none present, the global buckling factor cannot be determined. Some examples:
- Beam under loadcase ‘Selfweight’
- Column under loadcase ‘Horizontal Wind’