On calculation of the (cracked) deformation over time, following message appears:
The index exceeds matrix dimensions.
at AllCombinations.TAllCombinations.GetCombinationFromCombinationTree(Int32 index)
at el_Bar.TModelBar.CalculateCrackedStiffness(Int32 Combination, Double Betha1, Double Betha2, Boolean DeformationAfterCreep, Boolean ExtendCracking, Boolean resetcracks)
at ServerHelper.TServerHelper.DetermineCrackedStiffness(@MetaTServerHelper Self, Double Betha1, Double Betha2, Boolean DeformationAfterCreep, Boolean ExtendCracking, Boolean resetcracks, Int32 comboIndex)
at ServerCalculations.TServerCalculator.DoTimeCombinations(IServerProgress spf)
[NL]: De index ligt buiten de matrixgrenzen.
[FR]: L’indice dépasse les dimensions de la matrice
There is no combination for cracking defined:
- Go back the Loads configuration
and click on
- Fill out the 2 columns t0 and Combination for cracking
- t0: time at which the load applies to structure [days]. Example: 28 days is a typical value for the selfweight.
- Combination for cracking: reference combination for the cracking in time evaluation. Recommended is to take ULS RC 1 (NL: BGT ZC 1, FR: ELS CR 1), as all other evaluation of cracking in Diamonds is based on ULS RC.
- t0: time at which the load applies to structure [days]. Example: 28 days is a typical value for the selfweight.