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Error: Could not find the Database Engine startup handle

During the installation of Diamonds/ PowerConnect (version 2017 until 2019r02), you get the error:

Could not find the Database Engine startup handle.

This error is related to the database system (= SQL instance) used by Diamonds/ PowerConnect (version 2017 until 2019r02).

Solution 1

  • Install Diamonds/PowerConnect/BIM Expert 2020 or more recent. These versions use a different type of database, which no longer requires the installation of an SQL instance.

Solution 2

  • Uninstall all corrupt SQL instances. Be patient, uninstalling can take a moment.
  • Restart the SQL Server (if you find it in the list):
    • Open Task Manager > tab page ‘Services’.
    • Click on ‘Open Services’.
    • Find the service ‘SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS14 or SQLEXPRESS14BS)’ > right mouse button > ‘Stop’.
    • Find the service ‘SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS14 or SQLEXPRESS14BS)’ > right mouse button > ‘Start’.
    • Close the task manager.
  • Make sure there’re no remaining folders or files in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.[Name_Of_The_Instance]
  • Install a new SQL instance. Pay attention on the Server Configuration page:
    • When you get to the Server Configuration page as shown below, you will notice that the SQL Server Database Engine service is using the account NT Service\MSSQLSERVER.
    • Change the account from NT Service\MSSQLSERVER to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM by clicking on the drop-down box, selecting ‘Browse’ and then typing ‘SYSTEM’ in ‘Enter the object name to select’. Click on ‘Check Names’ so SYSTEM is underlined.
    • Your screen should look similar to the screenshot below.
  • Run the Diamonds and/or PowerConnect installer. Select the newly installed SQL instance.

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