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  4. Release notes Diamonds 2012 until 2019

Release notes Diamonds 2012 until 2019

The overview below shows the main new features over the years in Diamonds. For the total list, check the release documents at the bottom of this article.

  • Filter in Section and Material library so you can only set the relevant materials and sections visible
  • Import of curved surfaces through dxf
  • Additional shape for tanks/ vessels in the Wizard menu
  • Swiss standard for wind/ snow, concrete and steel (SIA 261, SIA 263, SIA 262)
  • Show resulting fector for pointloads and point reactions
  • New print preview
  • Summary in the results table
  • Italian interface

Note: because the section and material library are now managed by Gateway & Gateway Server, there is not backward compatibility between Diamonds 2017 (or newer) models and Diamonds 2015 (or older). Meaning: you can open a Diamonds 2017 model in Diamonds 2015, but the sections and materials will be lost. If you assign them again, the model can be calculated in Diamonds 2015.

  • Thermal utility
  • Fire design for steel
  • Stress tolerance for soil calculations
  • Detailed window for stresses
  • Projection function
  • New lay out for loadgroup window
  • Seimic/ lineair dynamics/ modal analysis
  • New calculation core
  • Variable grid for drawing or mesurements
  • Physical groups
  • Variable sections
  • C-section
  • Minimum edge division and minimum element size refinement factor for the mesh
  • New soil layer calculations
  • Optimization for timber and cold formed sections
  • Lateral buckling curves according to equivalent method
  • Logo in header/footer of report

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