1. Home
  2. Diamonds
  3. Errors
  4. Start up
  5. Loading Gateway database: 0%
  1. Home
  2. PowerConnect
  3. Errors
  4. Loading Gateway database: 0%

Loading Gateway database: 0%

During the start up of Diamonds/PowerConnect, ‘Loading Gateway database’ remains on 0%.

[NL]: Laden Gateway Database: 0%

[FR]: Charger base de données Gateway: 0%

[ES]: Cargando la base de datos de Gateway: 0%

Solution (Diamonds 2020 or newer)

Solution (Diamonds 2019r03 or older)

  • Uninstall Gateway usings the Control Panel. When you reopen the Control Panel, Gateway shouldn’t be in the list of programs.
    It is very important you uninstall Gateway before you go to the next step.
  • Reset the Gateway preferences.
  • Download and install the newest version of Gateway.

Option 2

Solution often used in Diamonds 2017 until 2019r03
  • Close all Diamonds/ PowerConnect/ BIM Expert projects.
  • Open Task Manager ( CTRL +  ALT +  DEL or right mouse click on the Windows bar).
  • Click on ‘More details’.
  • Stop the services:
    • [Windows 8, 8.1 or 10]
      • Go to the tab page ‘Details’.
      • Find ‘BuildSoft.Gateway.exe’ > > right mouse button > ‘End task’.
      • Find ‘BuildSoft.Gateway.Server.exe’ > > right mouse button > ‘End task’.
      • BuildSoft.Gateway.exe  AND  BuildSoft.Gateway.Server.exe shouldn’t be in the list anymore.
    • [Windows 7]
      • Go to the tab page ‘Services’.
      • Find ‘Gateway’ > right mouse button > ‘Stop’.
      • Find ‘Gateway Server’ > right mouse button > ‘Stop’.
      • Both Gateway AND Gateway Server must be Stopped!
  • Go to C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\BuildSoft\.
  • Delete the folders ‘BuildSoft.Gateway.Server_[…]’ and ‘BuildSoft.Gateway.exe_[…]’. These folders contain the user preferences for the Gateway and Gateway Server. By deleting them, you set the preferences back to default.
  • Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\BuildSoft\Gateway\Gateway\ and double click ‘BuildSoft.Gateway.exe’. A blackscreen will open.
  • Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\BuildSoft\Gateway\Gateway Server\ and double click ‘BuildSoft.Gateway.Server.exe’.  A blackscreen will open.
  • Close both black screens.
  • Open Task Manager > tab page ‘Services’ .
  • Find the service ‘Gateway’ > right mouse button > ‘Start’.
  • Find the service ‘Gateway Server’ > right mouse button > ‘Start’.
  • Start Diamonds.

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