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  4. How to find lonely points?

How to find lonely points?

Isolated or lonely points are points that are not connected to any bar or plate. A good analysical model, does not contain isolated points.
If you suspect your model to contain isolated points, you can use following method to find them:

  1. Go to the menu Select > Inclined surface > Hide selection
  2. Go to the menu Select > Vertical surface > Hide selection
  3. Go to the menu Select > Horizontal surface > Hide selection
  4. Go to the menu Select > Inclined lines > Hide selection
  5. Go to the menu Select > Vertical lines > Hide selection
  6. Go to the menu Select > Horizontal lines > Hide selection

What is left now, are isolated points. If you cannot see them right away:

  • Go to the Configuration settings
    > tab General > uncheck the option Show hidden items greyed out
  • Click on or press F12.
  • The isolated points can also be seen in the Data table .
  • Verify if the isolated points have a purpose (for example: a supported or point load is assigned to them):
    • If they don’t have a purpose, delete these points.
    • If they do have a purpose, make sure these points lie in the same plane as the plate.

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