Creating a slab or plate
- Select a set of lines that form a closed contour and that lie in the same plane.
- Click on
Note: in a wireframe representationthe plate(s) will not be visible. Pick one of these
- The generated plate is a plate bearing the 2 directions of 20cm thick.
- You can change the properties of one plate by double clicking the surface of the plate.
- You can change the properties of multiple plates by selecting all the relevant plates and click on
If you want to model plates of which not all elements lie within the same plane, you must keep in mind that a slab or plate is uniquely defined by 3 points. So the easiest plate contour to make is a triangle. The plate section within this triangle is always unique.
Making a hole/ opening
- Create a seperate plate where the hole should be.
- Select the plate and hit DELETE or click on