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  6. DLL 04: Slender beam simply supported subjected to axial load – eigen modes – global buckling

DLL 04: Slender beam simply supported subjected to axial load – eigen modes – global buckling


Material Modulus of elasticity E=200 000 N/mm^2
Density \rho=7800 kg/m^3
Poisson’s ratio \nu= 0.3
Geometry Cross-section Dimensions b=h=50mm
Boundary conditions In point A Simple support
In point B Roller support
Along line AB R_z, M_x and M_y fixed to impose 2D behaviour
Loads In point B F=10kN
Mesh No. of divisions 20


Eigen modes

Eigen mode Shape Independent reference Diamonds Difference
1   28,702Hz 28,702Hz 0,00%
2   114,807Hz 114,807Hz 0,00%

Note: only the mass of vertical loads contributes to the eigenmodes. So these eigen modes are calculated with the mass of the self-weight. The horizontal force of 10kN does not contribute.

Global buckling factor

When you do a second order calculation, Diamonds calculates the global buckling factor. This global buckling factor is the factor with which the loads on the structure must be multiplied to obtain buckling. Resulting in the critial buckling force.

Equilibrium check  in Diamonds

Which result Independent reference Diamonds Difference
Critical load 257,02kN 25.702 \cdot 10 \text{kN}=257.02\text{kN} 0,00%


  • Mécaniciens, S. F. D. (1990). Guide de validation des progiciels de calcul des structures: SDLL 05: poutre élancée sur 2 appuis, soumise à un chargement axial
  • Tested in Diamonds 2024r01.

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