Access violation at addresss 001A0FCC in module ‘powerframe.exe’. Read of address 00000008. When opening the connection library in PowerFrame, you get the error: Solution Try the close PowerFrame. You’ll probably need the...
Error: Invalid floating point operation When running the steel/ timber verification in PowerFrame, you get the error: [NL]: Controle van staal en hout kon niet...
How to reset the PowerFrame preferences Close all PowerFrame projects. Go to C:\Users\**YourUsername**\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\BuildSoft\PowerFrame. The folder AppData is a hidden folder. To show hidden folders, to go View...
Error: Forward substitution was impossible When starting the elastic analysis, you get the error: [NL]: Voorwaartse substitutie mislukt. [FR]: Substitution vers l’avant non possible. [ES]:...