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DS EC 03: Fire design of protected HEB column exposed to the standard fire curve


Geometry Cross-section: HEB 180 protected with 20mm perlite & cement
Material: S355
Perlite & cement: \rho = 550kg/m^3
c_p=1100 \frac{J}{kg \cdot K}
\lambda_p=0,12 \frac{W}{m\cdot K}
Load Dead loads in points A:
Life loads in points A:
Standard EN 1993-1-1 [- -] EN 1993-1-2 [- -]
Parameters for design Case 1: cold state buckling length 3.50m
Case 2: fire state R90
buckling length 2.45m

Diamonds results and comparison

Case 1: cold state

Intermediate results in Diamonds for buckling around the y’-axis in cold state

Results Independent reference Diamonds Difference 1
N_{Ed} 1024,5kN 1024,5kN 0,00%
bar{lambda_{z}} 1,003 1,002 -0,10%
phi_{z} 1,200 1,199 -0,08%
chi_{z} 0,538 0,539 0,19%
N_{b.Rd} 1246,2 kN 1247,5kN 0,10%
Unity check frac{N_{Ed}}{N_{b,Rd}} 82,21% 82,12% -0,10%

1. The difference arises because Access Steel calculates with rounded profile properties, while Diamonds uses exact profile properties.
Furthermore, there is also a discrepancy in the Access Steel calculation sheet: bar{lambda_{z}} is calculated with A= 6530mm^2, while for N_{b.Rd} an area of 6525mm^2 is used.

Case 2: fire state

Temperature of the cross-section after 90min exposure to ISO 834 fire

Intermediate results in Diamonds for buckling around the y’-axis in fire state

Results Independent reference Diamonds Difference 1
N_{fi.Ed} 475kN 475kN 0,00%
\theta_{a.max}} 554°C 552°C -0,36%
k_{y.\theta}} 0,613 0,618 0,82%
k_{E.\theta}} 0,444 0,449 1,13%
bar{\lambda_{z.fi}} 0,825 0,832 0,85%
\chi_{z.fi} 0,581 0,582 0,17%
N_{b.fi.Rd} 825,0kN 832,9kN 0,97%
Unity check frac{N_{fi.Ed}}{N_{b.fi.Rd}} 57.6% 57,0% -0,96%


  • EN 1993-1-1: 2005+AC:2009
    EN 1993-1-2: 2005
  • Sokol, Z. (2006). Example: Fire design of protected HEB section column exposed to the standard temperature time curve. Calculation Sheet Access Steel, SX044a-EN-EU
  • Tested in Diamonds 2024r01.

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