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  4. How to modify the hyphen between class name and element name

How to modify the hyphen between class name and element name

In ConCrete Plus you can modify the hyphen sign ([NL]: koppelteken, [FR]: trait d’union) between the class name and element name into some other symbol or text of your choice.

  1. Install ConCrete 8.03 or newer
  2. Launch ConCrete, calculate a beam and send it to ConCrete Plus.
  3. Close ConCrete and ConCrete Plus.
  4. Go to following location: you can copy the link into Windows Exporer or navigate yourself. Make sure you replace *your_username* by your own Windows username. ‘AppData’ is a hidden  folder.
    C:\Users\*your_username*\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\BuildSoft\ConCrete
  5. Open the file CONCRETEPLUS_7.PRF with Notepad.
  6. Search (CTRL + F) the topic TitleSeperator
  7. Default there will be a hyphen ‘-‘. You can change this in anything you like. If you delete the hyphen ‘-‘, there will be no symbol at all.

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