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  3. Modelling
  4. How to draw lines directly on the screen

How to draw lines directly on the screen

  • Go to the geometry configuration by clicking on .
  • Click on to change the view to a 2D view. Usually a Top or a Front view are used.
  • Click on .
  • Click once to define the start point of the line.
  • Move the mouse to the end point of the line.
  • Click once to define the end point of the line.The length of the line is a plural of the gridstep. Read here
  • You can continue drawing lines this way.
  • If you want to start drawing somewhere else, you either
    • Press the ENTER-key and start drawing somewhere else.
    • Or right mouse click and start drawing somewhere else
  • To quit the drawing function, you either:
    • Click on .
    • or press the ESC-key.

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